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NBBC comes with built-in support for 30 commonly-used smileys (emoticons). They are:
Image | Filename | Smiley BBCode (what you type) |
angry.gif | >:( >:-( >=( >=-( D: D-: D= D-= | |
anime.gif | ^_^ | |
bigeyes.gif | 8) 8-) | |
bigsmile.gif | :D :-D =D =-D | |
bigwink.gif | ;D ;-D | |
blue.gif | :blue: | |
boggle.gif | o.O O.o | |
confuse.gif | :? :-? =? =-? | |
cool.gif | B) B-) | |
evil.gif | >:) >:-) >=) >=-) >:D >:-D >=D >=-D | |
frown.gif | :( :-( =( =-( | |
heart.gif | <3 | |
irritated.gif | :/ :-/ =/ =-/ :\ :-\ =\ =-\ | |
laugh.gif | XD X-D | |
lookleft.gif | <_< <.< | |
lookright.gif | >_> >.> | |
neutral.gif | :| :-| =| =-| :I :-I =I =-I | |
saint.gif | O:) O:-) O=) O=-) | |
sleepy.gif | :zzz: | |
smile.gif | :) :-) =) =-) | |
smile3.gif | :3 :-3 =3 =-3 | |
sneaky.gif | >;) >;-) >;D >;-D | |
star.gif | :star: | |
surprise.gif | :O :-O =O =-O | |
sweatdrop.gif | ^^; | |
teeth.gif | <g> <G> | |
tongue.gif | :P :-P =P =-P X-P | |
wink.gif | ;) ;-) | |
wink3.gif | ;3 ;-3 | |
worry.gif | :s :-S =s =-S |
(Note: These smiley images were custom-created for NBBC, and are covered under the same BSD-style open-source license as the rest of NBBC, so they may be freely used, reused, or modified for any purpose, subject to the terms of the license.)
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